
YouthMBA is a forerunner in innovative educational opportunities in China. We are utilizing design thinking developed by the at Stanford to create a collaborative think-tank. Our energetic, hands-on, project-based program introduces students to the design thinking process in a fun, creative environment. Students build their creative confidence through a variety of interesting, cross-curricular design challenges that require them to develop and use important innovations skills, such as creative problem solving, collaboration, critical thinking, and dynamic brainstorming. Students have opportunities to identify needs and test them, to generate ideas and build quick prototypes to get feedback, and to invent business models that will help them convey their ideas to the world. We have also integrated design-thinking principles into our administrative tasks, strategies, and objectives to build our empathy and prototyping muscles. We’d also love to learn more about how to best form partnerships with interested organizations. Contact us!
Posted on March 27, 2014. Modified on March 27, 2014