Art & Design Thinking Summer Camp

The Art & Design Thinking Camp is a youth summer adventure in making and imagining. This project-based camp engages students in exploring design thinking processes, visual art and digital tools. Students will work collaboratively in teams as they explore various art projects using 3D modeling tools, as well as a variety of fun and surprising physical materials. Students will document their own learning, discovery and synthesis of design thinking. The program includes projects that introduce students to design thinking skills, enhancing their presentation, collaboration, math skills, and computer literacy. Each workshop has multiple activities and projects that engage students in brainstorming, team building, project design, project planning and implementation, team project presentations, peer reviews and critiquing, and team and self-evaluation. On the last day of each week there is a Student Showcase where student work is presented to family members, design professionals, artists, and supporting organization staff to view and provide comments/critiques.
Posted on May 27, 2014. Modified on March 5, 2015